J.J. Walsh '78 in Honor of Professor Barry Batzing
“What I feel was most valuable about being a student of Barry Batzing was that he definitively instilled in me a desire to become a ‘lifelong learner.’ Dr. Batzing is one of those teachers people don’t forget.”
~ J.J. Walsh ’78
Professor Barry Batzing taught courses in microbiology and served on the Biological Sciences Department faculty for 36 years. His unique ability to connect with and motivate students to excel in the classroom was probably his greatest talent and, by most accounts, his most important.
Professor Batzing made learning fun and did so with a great sense of humor and enthusiasm. He was known for his humor and his laugh, his use of striking photos of microorganisms in lectures, his attention to detail and use of current information, his challenging exams and his commitment to each individual student.
J.J. Walsh ‘78 established the Barry L. Batzing Scholarship in recognition of one of SUNY Cortland’s special teachers. The Batzing Scholarship provides an award to a continuing student who has completed a microbiology course with a grade of B or better at SUNY Cortland.