Robert D. Slaugh Scholarship

The Robert D. Slaugh Scholarship was initially established by members of the Mathematics Department upon Slaugh’s retirement in 1984 and endowed in 2022 by two anonymous mathematics emeriti faculty, to honor their colleague, Robert. Professor Slaugh served the college and department in many unique ways during his 33 years on the faculty. As department chair, he was instrumental in the inauguration of the secondary mathematics certification program and what is now known as the School of Arts and Sciences. Awards will be made annually to sophomore level students enrolled in Adolescence Education: Mathematics (7-12) or Mathematics. Recipients must have satisfactory academic achievement and preference will be given to those with demonstrated financial need.
Award will be split evenly between the fall and spring semesters. Funding is based on availability.

Selection Criteria

  • For full-time matriculating students enrolled in the following majors: Adolescence Education: Mathematics (7-12) or Mathematics.
  • Recipient(s) must be a sophomore level student.
  • Recipient(s) must have satisfactory academic achievement.

  • Recipient(s) have demonstrated financial need per FAFSA.

    Renewal Information
  • This scholarship is a one-time award and is non-renewable. Students are eligible to apply each year.

Scholarship funding is determined by the Cortland College Foundation. Scholarship amounts and availability are subject to change.
